Everything under Rs.999
20% Cashback* on Buy 4 items. , Use Code: CB20
20% Cashback* on Buy 4 items.
Use Code: CB20


Shopping Options
  • Clothing 2 items
  1. Asymmetrical Dresses 20 items
  2. Beach Shorts 1 item
  3. Blouses 31 items
  4. Body Suits 11 items
  5. Bodycon 89 items
  6. Cover Ups 28 items
  7. Crop Tops 64 items
  8. Cropped Jeans 5 items
  9. Denim Dresses 20 items
  10. Denim Tops 20 items
  11. Dungarees 7 items
  12. Flare Jeans 60 items
  13. Hats 1 item
  14. Joggers 2 items
  15. Jumpsuits 25 items
  16. Maxi Dresses 151 items
  17. Maxi Skirts 18 items
  18. Maxi Tops 0 items
  19. Midi Dresses 61 items
  20. Midi Skirts 32 items
  21. Nightdresses 9 items
  22. Nightwear Set 55 items
  23. Off Shoulder Tops 11 items
  24. Off-shoulder And Bandeau Dresses 59 items
  25. Pencil Dresses 11 items
  26. Pencil Skirts 2 items
  27. Pinafore 2 items
  28. Playsuits And Rompers 29 items
  29. Retro Sunglasses 0 items
  30. Sets 210 items
  31. Shift Dresses 10 items
  32. Shirt Dresses 5 items
  33. Shirts 42 items
  34. Short And Mini Skirts 42 items
  35. Skater Dresses 48 items
  36. Skater Skirts 8 items
  37. Skinny Jeans 8 items
  38. Straight Jeans 142 items
  39. Swimsuit 18 items
  40. T-shirts 112 items
  41. Vests And Camis 103 items
  42. Gloves 1 item
  43. Hipster 1 item
  44. Bikini 2 items
  45. Thong 6 items
  46. Full Figure 1 item
  47. Sports 3 items
  48. T-Shirt Bra 2 items
  49. Bralette 1 item
  50. Padded 6 items
  51. Non Padded 5 items
  52. Wrap Dresses 5 items
  53. Mom Jeans 12 items
  54. Baggy Jeans 18 items
  55. Boyfriend Jeans 21 items
  56. Vests 4 items
  57. Wide Leg Jeans 83 items
  58. Shawl 1 item
  59. Corsets & Tube Tops 35 items
  60. Cold Shoulder Tops 2 items
  61. Sarong 1 item
  62. Corset Dresses 2 items
  63. Dressing Gowns & Robes 5 items
  64. One shoulder Dresses 5 items
  65. One shoulder Tops 2 items
  1. Black 11 items
  2. Blue 2 items
  3. Brown 2 items
  4. Gold 0 items
  5. Grey 2 items
  6. Pink 1 item
  7. Red 1 item
  8. White 6 items
  9. Yellow 1 item
  1. L 2 items
  2. M 2 items
  3. S 2 items
  4. XS 1 item
  1. Rs. 1800 - 2000 1 item
  2. Rs. 2000 - 2500 1 item
  1. Maxi Tops Remove This Item
  2. Retro Sunglasses Remove This Item
  3. Pencil Skirts Remove This Item
  4. Blue Remove This Item
  5. Gold Remove This Item

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2 styles found